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jules verne

美 [dʒulz vɜrn]英 [dʒuːlz vɜːn]
  • 网络凡尔纳;儒勒凡尔纳
jules vernejules verne


French writer who is considered the father of science fiction (1828-1905)
Synonym: Verne


  1. Jules Verne also wanted to challenge people to think about new things that science could bring them .


  2. When writer Jules Verne published an adventure novel about a trip to the moon , his readers thought the story was pure fantasy .


  3. Jules Verne had lived to see many of his fancies come true .


  4. I had read with great interest the stories of French writer Jules Verne .


  5. Jules Verne was born in France in 1828 and originally studied to be a lawyer .


  6. Jules Verne was born and raised in the port of Nantes .


  7. There were very few places in the world that Jules Verne , the writer , did not visit .


  8. Jules Verne , the man , was a stay-at-home .


  9. Don 't believe Jules verne .


  10. Meaning : He sent a telegram to his colleagues : Jules Verne is not a group of scientists . Jules is really the only writer .


  11. Jules Verne is our hero .


  12. From Jules Verne to Pac-Man , you have the reins to our brand and iconic logo and can run free with your innovative ideas .


  13. The project , named after French novelist Jules Verne , has already invited six people to be the first group of advisers in the team , according to Beijing-based Baidu .


  14. Jules Verne , Mark Twain , Galileo , Newton - all the curious from the ages would have wanted to be alive most of all right now .


  15. Jules Verne , Mark Twain , Galileo , Newton -- all the curious from the ages would have wanted to be alive most of all right now .


  16. Jules Verne , Mark Twain , Galileo , Newton --- all the curious from the ages would have wanted to be alive most of all right now .


  17. It first took those doyens of nineteenth-and twentieth-century science fiction , Jules Verne and H.G.Wells , to show us just how driven their imagined scientists could be .


  18. I read everything , Rumi , H ã fez , Saadi , Victor Hugo , Jules Verne , Mark Twain , Ian Fleming .


  19. It was the biggest attraction at the Parisian Exposition of 1878 , and it became the material of choice for writers like Jules Verne when they were building their grand visions of the future .


  20. 000 Leagues Under the Sea . Jules Verne . Captain Nemo 's exploration of the oceans and battle for their control . Verne 's Nautilus predates real submarines .


  21. in the last 150 years since Jules Verne had great science-fiction concepts of what the underworld was like , is that technology has enabled us to go to these places that were previously completely unknown and speculated about .


  22. I believe you 'll even see us understand the human brain . Jules Verne , Mark Twain , Galileo , Newton - all the curious from the ages would have wanted to be alive most of all right now .


  23. I believe you 'll even see us understand the human brain . Jules Verne , Mark Twain , Galileo , Newton & all the curious from the ages would have wanted to be alive most of all right now .


  24. As a child , Umberto spent hours every day in his grandfather 's cellar , reading through the older man 's eclectic collection of Jules Verne , Marco Polo and Charles Darwin and adventure comics .


  25. The script , loosely based on Jules Verne 's " The Mysterious Island ," sees Josh Hutcherson reprising his role from the2008 " Center of the Earth " remake that starred Brendan Fraser .


  26. This was organised by Ifremer , France 's oceanographic institute . Its three-man craft , Nautile ( named after the submarine in Jules Verne 's novel , " 20000 Leagues under the Sea " ) , not only brought back samples , but brought them back alive .
